The Rainbow Family Movement

So many LGBTQ groups and events are focused on “new adults” and no, I don’t mean young adults (teens). The gay community tends to bring together people in their 20s and 30s in a fun atmosphere of dating and partying. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it isn’t always appropriate or accessible for kids, and tends to leave older people feeling left out. We need groups that include everyone… young, old, LGBTQ+, and yes, our cis het allies and family members!

Mentorship from Elders

When I look back at my childhood, I realize that my parents had gay friends, but this identity was never discussed with us kids. It wasn’t a secret exactly, but it wasn’t thought of as any of our business. I think that so many people think that your sexual orientation is, well… sexual, and therefore not appropriate to discuss in many situations. The problem here is that orientation and gender identity are IDENTITY markers for many people. If you feel this is a big part of who you are, you need the space to be able to be yourself. I wish now in hindsight, that I’d had older LGBTQ mentors who I could have talked to about what I was going through. I needed out and proud people to watch and learn from as I grew into my own identity.


This isn’t just because I was a pan person trying to figure that out. I think that all kids could use queer adults to guide and support them. Being a minority or being marginalized provides us with an opportunity to learn and grow. When you feel different from those around you, it makes you question your value, your place and how you belong. For so many kids (and adults), this is a painful and lonely process. I believe that with support from people who have weathered their own diversity and belonging journey, we come through it more compassionate towards others, more willing to listen and learn, and with a healthy openness to not knowing everything.

Youth At Risk

Queer youth are known to be at risk. Newsflash: This isn’t because being queer makes you crazy. It’s because being queer in a toxic culture that teaches conformity is very challenging and we are wrestling not only with bigotry of those around us, but with our own internalized predjudice. As adults, we can mitigate the danger to the youth around us by being open about who we are and by being involved in community with youth.

Our Hood

My fellow Rainbow Warrior, Caroline, and I have started our own Rainbow Family group on Facebook. “Rainbowing  North Vancouver” is part of our bigger idea! We want to support LGBT youth and we also recognize that we ourselves need community. When we share who we are, we’re all less alone.

Here’s the link to the Group for more info on what we’re up to and our events.

Hope you can join us! There will probably be cookies!